Introducing the Light DJ Network, a platform for syncing purchases & effects

Hey everyone!

It may be summer, but that doesn’t stop me from creating new & cool things for you guys to play with, after all… fall is around the corner and I’ve got some big updates planned for later this year. One of the most popular user requests I’ve been receiving is to be able to share your subscriptions between all your iOS & Android devices. This isn’t an easy task considering how differently each platform deals with purchases and requires servers to manage the data on the backend. Thankfully in this age of plentiful cloud data services I was able to find a friend in Firebase. This still took me way longer than I expected to develop this, but with the new platform you’ll be able sync effects, sheets, and purchases, and anything else that comes up in the future. ;)

Currently the Light DJ Network is in beta and will only sync purchases so that you can share your subscription between iOS & Android. Effects and other content will start to be integrated with the service through end of the year, and into 2020. Many concepts like custom effects & sheets don’t exist on Android yet so they’ll be need to be developed before I can integrate them with the cloud service. This will be an ongoing project for me for years to come, so if there’s something you’d like to see, or if you have any other feedback, send me an email at and let me know! If you’d like to sign-up for the beta, you can find the info here.

Also, a note on pricing (affecting new Android subscribers): Currently the Android Light DJ subscription is priced less than the iOS version. There’s a few reasons for this, like having fewer extras, getting updates 2nd, market factors, etc. My plan going forward is to provide universal access to all platforms, so when the cloud services network releases later this year Android pricing will raise to match existing iOS pricing for universal access. I also plan to offer an Android-only option while I build up the new features required to get the app up to parity with iOS. I always grandfather new features to existing users though, so if you subscribe today (or have been subscribed) you’ll get universal access before the rates go up later this year. New & current full Pro & Deluxe version purchasers get this access as well. I have no plans to change full version or iOS pricing at this time, but I’ll soon begin to offer subscriptions through this web site at a small discount from the universal App Store & Google Play price. If you have a preferred OS you should use that as the native subscription since you’ll be required to sync-up after each renewal (web subscriptions won’t have this issue).